
How Apples are Good for Your Teeth

May 7, 2022

People have been asserting that “an apple a day keeps the doctor away” since the 19th century.While it may not necessarily be true that those who eat apples never have to see a doctor,apples certainly have great health benefits for our bodies! Did you know they can even be goodfor our teeth? Let’s take a look at what the research says …

What research says about apples

It’s widely thought that chewing a crisp, fresh apple can help brush away plaque on our teeth.We’re not too sure on this one, as some studies show a higher plaque content on teeth aftereating an apple. At the same time, there is evidence to suggest some polyphenols in apples can lower the ability ofcavity-causing bacteria to adhere to teeth. Further, some studies have shown that the antioxidantsin apples can help prevent periodontal disease.
Apples even contain a (very) small amount of fluoride. This is worth noting, as fluoride is so important in helping prevent cavities.

Lastly, the act of chewing an apple stimulates saliva production. Saliva helps wash away fooddebris and bacteria. Remember, though, apples contain sugar and acid so it’s best not to gooverboard with them.

You can even swish with water after eating one to wash away some of the sugar left behind.As science continues to look into how apples affect our teeth, one thing we know is true:
regular dental visits, along with daily tooth brushing and flossing, is your best defense against tooth decay!


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